- The Twilight of the Philosophical Idols
- Video: Critique of a Pro-Life Syllogism
- Video: Power and the Pineal Gland
- Book Review: When Harlie Was One
- The Wicked Rhyme of History
- The Digital Panopticon
- More Exploration of Social Objects
- Protagoras, Homo Mensura, and Self Refutation
- The One, the Many, and the Liberal
- Plato: Philosophy as Art
- Social Construction and Madness
- Technology, Change, and Stasis
- A Linux Update
- Literature and Culture: Criticism, or War?
- What Is Conservatism For
- Brief Thoughts on the Phaedrus
- Star Trek: What Is a Person?
- Thomas Kuhn, Revolutions, Paradigms, and Progress
- Nozick, Rawls, and the Problem of Patterned Principles of Justice
- Remote Work, Human Relationships, and Transactions
- Philosophy and Hindsight
- The Power of the Powerless - Part 1: Havel, Marx, and Lenin
- Why Do You Have a Right to Self Defense?
- The Linux Alternative
- The Flag of Greg
- Peterson, Murphy, and Marxist Alienation
- Living Dangerously
- The World In 1967
- Religion and Rational Belief
- A Visit From Wormwood
- Two Routes to the Same Good
- The Garden of Liberty
- A Future History of Vice
- Pride Is Nothing to Celebrate
- Telos Is Arche
- Negotiating the Value of a Single Life
- A Conservative Starter Library
- The Death of the Transcendent
- Marxism as False Religion
- Change, Technology, and Society
- A Response to Bryan Lunduke
- Yes, Virginia. There Is Meaning.
- Jason Fried Is a Hero
- The Parable of the Invisible Gardener
- Cosmos: Sagan vs Tyson
- Neo and Aristotle
- Social Theory of American Politics
- Renewing the Church Means Renewing the Faith
- Two Visions of Justice
- Soaping With Rest, or Resting With Soap
- Testing New Shortcodes
- An ffmpeg scrapbook
- Nextcloud Caldav Discovery Problem
- Bringing 'Your Whole Self' To Work
- Book Review: The Last Superstition
- Kant vs Anselm vs Cary
- Ruminations on Justice in Plato and Aristotle
- Stefan Molyneux and the Definition of Love
- Book Review: Against the Gods
- The Pope of Platitudes
- Cyprian Echoed in Boethius
- The Four Boxes
- Two Liberalisms: Mill vs Lock
- Bork on Ideology in the Court
- Where Are All the Old People?
- Rand, Aristotle, and Modern Moral Philosophy
- The Regression of Libertarianism
- Rawls, Justice, and Metaphysics
- Sociopathy Dressed Up as Bioethics
- Libertarians, Your Metaphysics Matters!
- Religions, True and False
- Systemic Racism Is Real
- Steele on the History of the Culture War
- Adams vs Dickinson: Where Do You Fall?
- The Declaration of Independence, Part 4: Our Sacred Honour
- The Declaration of Independence, Part 3: A Long Train of Abuses
- The Declaration of Independence, Part 2: Self-Evident Truths
- The Declaration of Independence, Part 1: A Decent Respect
- The Universality of Human Consciousness
- The Loss of Self Awareness
- What Is Philosophy For
- Facts, Values, Rights, and Human Beings
- Is-Ought: A Semantic Solution
- Social Media Is Groupthink Programming
- Two Custodians: On the Purpose of the State
- Two Kinds of Legitimacy
- You Reap What You Sow
- John Locke's Property Rights
- The Platonism of Aristotle
- Hobbes and the Sovereign
- Equality Is Fake News
- Aristotle 101: Hylomorphism and the Soul
- Aristotle 101: The Zoon Politikon
- Aristotle 101: the Aporia of Future Contingency
- Locke Destroys Filmer With Facts and Logic
- Creativity, Transcendence, and Love
- Marxism and Exploitation
- Buckley on Conservatism and Modern Realities
- A Mind Shaped Universe
- Sentience as a Moral Ground
- Philosophy Hypocrisy and Failure
- Oakeshott on Being a Conservative
- For Whom the Pot Clanks
- What Do We Owe to Society?
- Preparation, Not Triage
- The Choice of Pilate
- Bork on Liberalism
- What Is a Community?
- Panpsychism Is a Red Herring
- The Motherhood Pandemic
- The Identity Metastasis Machine
- Will On American Conservatism
- The Barometer of the Soul
- Three Kinds of Philosophers
- Freedom and Its Betrayal
- Anxiety and Control
- Two Forms of Totalitarianism
- The Meaning of Christmas
- Toleration and Free Association
- The Dysfunctional Self Dichotomy
- Aristotle 101: Substance in the Categories
- Three Views of Truth
- The Origin of Causality
- Approaches to the Problem of Desire
- Hayek on Social Justice
- Aristotle 101: The Four Causes
- The Visual Framing of Narrative
- Is There a God?
- Two Dystopias: Despair and Redemption
- Roger Scruton, Rest in Peace
- Chamberlain Nozick and Rawls
- A Potential Defense of Naturalistic Idealism
- The Alienation of Childbearing
- The Irrationalist
- The Justice of Market Outcomes
- Mill Harm Liberty and Censorship
- Deduction Seems Vulnerable to the Problem of Induction
- The Next Stage of the Polis
- Justice, Culture, and the Enlightenment
- What Problem Is Rousseau Trying to Solve?
- What Does Marx Mean by Alienated Labor?
- Movie Review: Planet of the Apes (1968)
- Book Review: Enlightenment Philosophy in a Nutshell
- On Culture, Knowledge, and Discipline
- The Struggle Between Public and Private
- Terror, Responsibility, and the Example of God
- Induction - An Introduction to the Problem
- Metaphysical Realism - A Stream of Consciousness
- Mill vs Aristotle: The Summum Bonum That Wasn't
- A Forgery of Knowledge - Yet Another Academic Hoax
- Plato, Parmenides, and the Theory of Forms - Part 3
- Plato, Parmenides, and the Theory of Forms - Part 2
- Plato, Parmenides, and the Theory of Forms - Part 1
- LSP Summer School Conference Report
- Musings on the Problem of the State
- Book Review: The Art of the Argument
- Plato and Nietzsche - The End and the Beginning
- Philippa Foot and I Exchange Words
- Plato Versus Mill on the Pleasure Principle
- The Platonism of the Categorical Imperative
- Book Review: Twelve Rules for Life
- Hume, Plato, and the Impotence of Reason
- Autism and Trollies - Against Utilitarianism
- Judgment and Virtue
- Book Review: the Righteous Mind
- Is the Categorical Imperative Convincing?
- Aristotle vs Kant Virtue and the Moral Law
- Reason vs the Passions - Initial Thoughts on Hume's Treatise
- Morality in a Determined World
- Plato, Freud, Orwell, and the Danger of the Modern Mind
- Can the Will Ever Be Regarded as Free?
- Research Notebook on Free Will
- An Interpretive Analysis of 2001 a Space Odyssey
- The Sorites Paradox - Some Doubtful Thoughts
- Haack, Dummett, and the Justification of Deduction
- Is It Possible to Act Selflessly?
- Kant vs Mill - Preference and Universality
- Bernard Williams and Moral Dilemmas
- Artur Schopenhauer on Freedom
- Isp Launch Event Three Talks on Three Philosophers
- The Ought in the Machine
- Book Review: Square One
- On Schopenhauers Freedom of the Will
- On the Qualia of Dreams
- On David Hume and Susan Feagin
- Rousseau's Social Contract - Book One
- Doubt and Descartes Existence
- Naturalism vs Teleology
- Getting a Handle on the Truth
- Ayn Rand Is Still the Boogeyman
- Knowledge Certainty and Logic
- The Euthyphro Expansion Pack
- Why Ubi Is a Really Bad Idea
- Philosopher Kings and Smartphones